Thursday, February 15, 2007

So Far, So Good.

Well, working out is going okay so far. I had my first solo workout on Wednesday morning and managed to do pretty well. I didn't really allow myself enough time, so I didn't finish everything, but that's okay. I'll get more efficient as this becomes more familiar, so I'm not really worried about it. I went in this morning and did 20 minutes on a recumbent bike (and even threw in a sprint or two). Tomorrow, I'm back on weights and maybe a little cardio if time allows.

I created a spreadsheet to track my progress (of course) and will post that soon. I haven't decided how I'm going to handle the weekend since I'm not supposed to do weights two days in a row and I'd like to stick to a Monday-Wednesday-Friday weight schedule. Maybe I'll just do cardio, but go for a longer stint.

More to come soon, I'm sure.

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